Friday, February 25, 2011

మన హీరొలు తక్కువవేం కాదు......

మన హీరోలు పరీక్ష రాయటానికి వచ్చారు. వచ్చి ఎవరి టాలెంట్ వాళ్ళు చూపించారు.
పరిక్ష మొదలైన 10 నిమిషాల తరువాత వచ్చాడు మహేష్ బాబు……..
ఏంటి బాబు లేట్ అంటే ..

*మహేష్:* ఎప్పుడు వచ్చామని కాదు అన్నయ్య పరీక్ష రాశామా లేదా ..? అని
వెళ్ళి కూర్చున్నాడు.
(వెనకున్న చిరంజీవి బ్రదర్ ఇది తీసుకో అని స్లిప్ ఇచ్చాడు మహేష్ థాంక్స్ చెబితే)

*చీరంజీవి:* థాంక్స్ కాదు బ్రదర్ ఆ స్లిప్ ను మూడు చేసి ముగ్గురికి

ఇవ్వు, ఆ ముగ్గురుని ఇంకో ముగ్గురకు ఇవ్వమని చెప్పు అలా మొత్తం స్లిప్ లు
మయం చేయండి.
(అనగానే పక్కనే వున్న రామ్ చరణ్ అందుకుని)

*రామ్ చరణ్: *ఒక్కొకటి కాదు నాన్న, వంద స్లిప్పులు ఒక్కసారి పంపించు 300
వందలమందికి పంచుతా..
(అని కూర్చున్నాడు. అప్పుడు సాయికుమార్ వచ్చి)

*సాయికుమార్: *కనిపించే మూడు పేపర్లు .. OMR పేపర్, క్వశ్చన్ పేపర్,
ఆన్సర్ పేపర్ అయితే కనిపించని ఆ నాలుగో పేపరేరా
(అని తన స్లిప్ తను తీసుకుని కూర్చున్నాడు.)

స్లిప్ప్పులు ఎక్కువై కోపం వచ్చిన బాలకృష్ణ.........

*బాలకృష్ణ:* ఒరేయ్ .. నేను కాపీ కొట్టడం మొదలుపెడితే.... ఏ ప్రశ్నకి ఏ
జవాబు రాసానో కనుక్కోవడానికి వారం పట్టిద్ది. మర్యాదగా ఏ ప్రశ్నకు ఏ
స్లిప్పో సరిగ్గా చెప్పండి.

మరోపక్క స్లిప్పులు దొరక్క ఎగబడుతున్న వాళ్ళను పక్కకు నెట్టిన ప్రభాస్.........

*ప్రభాస్: *వాడు పొతే వీడు, వీడు పొతే నేను, నేను పొతే నా అమ్మామొగుడు
అని ఎవరైనా స్లిప్ కోసం ఎగబడితే ... దెబ్బకో తలకాయ్ చొప్పున బెంచిలకి
అని స్లిప్పు తెచ్చుకు రాసుకుంటున్నాడు.

యన్.టి.ఆర్ బుద్దిగా తన స్లిప్పు తను రాసుకుంటుంటే ఎవడో వచ్చి స్లిప్పు
లాక్కోబోతే వాడి చెయ్యి గట్టిగా పట్టుకుని

*జూ|| యన్.టి.ఆర్ : *రేయ్... సాఫ్ట్ గా లవర్ బాయ్ లాగా ఉన్నాడు
అనుకుంటూన్నవేమో ... లోపల ఒరిజినల్ అలాగే ఉంది. స్లిప్పు వదల్లేదో .....
(అన్నాడు. ఈ లోపు ఎగ్జామ్ స్క్వాడ్ వచ్చి పేపర్లు లాక్కుని అందరినీ బయటకు
పంపారు. ఇన్ఫర్మేషన్ ఎవరు ఇచ్చారా...అని అందరు ఆలోచిస్తుంటే, అందరికన్నా
చివరన వచ్చాడు రవితేజ )

*రవితేజ: *ఇన్ఫర్మేషన్ ఎవరు ఇచ్చారా.. అనేగా మీ డవుటు.... నేనే...ఇచ్చా...!
ఊరికినే కాపీ కొడితే.... కిక్ ఏముంది నా అప్పడం. అందుకే స్క్వాడ్ ను
పిలిచా..! అని అక్కడి నుండి పరిగెత్తాడు.

పట్టుకోవడానికి రవితేజ వెనకాల పడ్డారు మిగిలిన అందరు..

మీ చందు  

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

NTV Survey Results and Aftermath

There was a recent survey on political leanings in Andhra Pradesh by Nielsen for NTV, a popular Telugu TV channel. The previous Nielsen NTV surveys had been spot on every time as of now.

These recent survey results are aligned with observations of lot of political experts in the state, but there would be some exceptions as the yellow media, who has been wrong on every single survey that they conducted for the past several years. Most of the time, they cook these surveys in NTR Bhavan or in the bomb-proof building that someone built on the occupied lands of Hayatnagar. But, as have been seen in their past behaviors, the yellow media went mum on the survey, Chandra Babu and other TDP leaders alleged that this was a paid survey – their usual reactions. This knee jerk reaction was expected from the yellow cadre/media. How else do they react when their worst fears of not coming back to power even the third successive time, when for a regional party like TDP, it’s a death knell? TDP vote share of 18%, massive losses in both Seemanadhra and Telangana have made them realize their worst fears. Their confusing two eye, four tongue, sixteen lie policy on vital issues of the state is not working out and Chandra Babu’s inhuman, cruel vendetta on a leader that died in the line of duty even after 17 months is making people sick and his party is losing a lot of ground is obvious. PRP at 5% (not 16%) before merger with Congress and only 40% of his remaining followers going on with his merger is seen as confirming a majority opinion of political pundits.
The surprising thing is the Congress strength as most are of the opinion that it’s at less than 10% and not 16% the survey came up with. This may be because of the fact that most of the Congress MLAs, who are somewhat strong in their respective constituencies still with the party. But, their vote share will wither away with the MLAs and MPs start leaving and joining Jagan in the coming days. The merger with PRP might put Congress vote share at about 10%. The PRP merger also would be in trouble, as some of its MLAs would want to join Jagan now with the survey after survey predicting that Jagan is da man. All in all, Jagan would be strengthened in the coming days and weeks. All he has to do is to be as cautious as possible in the path he is traveling and the people who he is associating with. Jagan’s new party at 35% must be a little less than the actual vote share, as his latent Telangana support was not accounted for properly.
These survey results, though very good for a party that is not even formed yet, could be skewed a bit.
1. PRP merger will help Congress a little bit in Seemanadhra and none in Telangana, not much to change each other’s fate, which is downfall.
2. Most poll pundits are inclined to believe that Jagan’s party would do much better in Telangana than what the survey says, for a simple reason that the people who aspire for united Andhra Pradesh would now vote en mass for Jagan, as they would believe that it’s only Jagan that could keep the state together. This survey should give him a boost in at least 35 assembly constituencies in and around Hyderabad, parts of Nalgonda, Medak, Mahaboob Nagar and Khammam. There is a good chance that his party can secure over 180 seats in the Assembly and as many as 28 MP seats. These MP seats should be enough for the new party to demand whoever comes to form the central government for important portfolios like Agriculture, Railways, Irrigation to help the state advance.
3. People accepted Jagan as not only the legitimate heir of YSR legacy, but also as a leader that can fight for him as well as for the state. This is very important facet of the survey. It has been a very rough ride for the young man ever since his father died. The hardcore followers of YSR could not become normal as of today, and one wonders how the situation of his own son would be. He went through a lot of sad, painful days with loss of his father and back stabbing by some of the closest to him. The people’s trust in his leadership should make him one happy camper right now.
4. The timing of the survey is great too, with party launch in the next month and the Kadapa by-elections coming up next, this survey would force the hands of lot of people to support Jagan. The majority projection of his camp in Pulivendla and Kadapa seats would have increased by several folds overnight. The local leaders, who have been fence sitting and leaning towards YSV/Congress now will have to think of voting against the future CM of the state and also realize that the short term gains they are expecting from the present government may never come true as this government would mostly not last long. At least 50-60 MLAs should be coming out openly and support Jagan, there by the imminent collapse of KKR government and leading to President rule. People who wanted to see the tangible results from the crowds YSJ has been attracting can now see them and MPs, MLAs and local leadership have to make their choices and do them quick. The scales have just tipped.
5. At this juncture and going forward Jagan should highlight the Telugu pride. He should be able to convince people that we are all Telugus first and anything else is next. He should emphasize the Telugu pride getting trampled in Delhi streets and under the feet of Italians and northerners who cannot win in their own seats and states. Coming to choosing local leadership of his party, he needs to understand that leaders are born from the masses. The sitting MLAs/MPs might be as much a subtraction as an addition. Now, with this Nielsen NTV survey on his table, Jagan should be able to call the shots and choose his people. He can either entice someone to come to him or not entertain someone who wants to come to him. The choice would be his. There is a feeling that he knows what he has to do all along. One could see that in his eyes. Even in the darkest hours he faced in the past 17 months, he was strong and never ever lost his faith. He knew what exactly he has to do and he is doing it brick by brick and never over planning at all. For people who have been worried about his fate, things were/are under control. YS Jaganmohan Reddy is here to play this game at his pace and the way he wants to play.
All in all, this survey reflects that there is a sweep going on for Jagan in Seemandhra and KCR in Tealngana. And the most important thing one needs to notice is that this present trend should be the same in one year, to years or more as the Congress government would be losing people’ faith and Chandra Babu going after the mirages. Funny but true is that the true boons to YS Jagan are Congress party and Chandra Babu, who never have their act right. Chandra Babu and Sonia Gandhi are relegated to side roles in our state – Sonia Gandhi for the irresponsible handling of our state, YSR and YSJ and Chandra Babu for vision less leadership he always displayed through out his career. As these two try harder to suppress and malign YSR/YSJ images, they lose more and more. YSR and YSJ are like rubber balls, the harder we throw them against the wall, the harder they come back to smack us! People are not fools and they know what’s right and what’s wrong. The credibility and power of YSR and YSJ have been certified too by this survey. A picture says thousand words and if you look at the people faces and show of their affection towards YSJ, it tells you the amazing transfer of their love from YSR to YSJ.
This survey is a game changer for Jagan as well as for the state. The exodus from Congress, TDP that had been talked about will start now. There will be bigger lines at Jagan’s Banjara Hills home. The fence sitting Congress MLAs would raise their voice in support of Jagan now and would have to be in his corner to have any political future. KKR government’s days are numbered and there would be President rule by this summer and elections by the year-end. This NTV survey is God sent for Jagan as well as the state. This will give him the impetus to create the political tsunami that Jagan has declared that he would. And, for yellow media and TDP supporters that want to ridicule this Nielsen survey, a simple challenge should be “Are you ready for bringing down the KKR Congress government that lost both legislative and popular support by proposing no-confidence motion and there by going for the elections?”.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

GMR Hyderabad International Airport Limited becomes the Worlds BEST AIRPORT for the second time.......

Hi friends,
I am proud to write that GMR International Airport of Hyderabad as been selected as the Worlds BEST AIRPORT for the second time. GMR fullform stands for Grandhi Mallikarjuna Rao who belonged to a small village from Srikakulam named as Raajam. His simpleness is unique and maintains his way of living as simplier as simple in the world. In Srikakulam district he is said to be "God of Poor People".....
Most of the poor students in and around Srikakulam district are studying Engineering in his GMR Engineering College sited at Raajam for a nominal government fees......
Every year during PONGAL season he donates clothes and food to poor people.....

GMR Hyderabad International Airport Limited (GHIAL) is a joint venture company promoted by the GMR Group (63%) in partnership with government of India (13%), government of Andhra Pradesh (13%) and Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (11%). The Company was incorporated to design, finance, build, operate and maintain a world class greenfield airport at Shamshabad, Hyderabad. The project is based on the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model and is structured on a Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) basis.

The Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (RGIA) was inaugurated on March 14, 2008 by Smt. Sonia Gandhi, Chairperson of the UPA and commenced commercial operations with effect from 00:01 hrs on March 23, 2008.
The airport which was commissioned in a record time of 31 months, has an initial capacity of 12 million passengers per annum (MPPA) and 100,000 tons of cargo handling capacity per annum. The Project has the flexibility to increase capacity to accommodate over 40 MPPA and shall be developed in a phased manner.
The airport provides world-class facilities and infrastructure, in accordance with ICAO standards and practices to handle large aircraft and international traffic. Its integrated domestic and international terminals are equipped with 12 contact boarding bridges, 30 remote stands, Common User Terminal Equipment (CUTE), self check-in kiosks (Common User Self Service- CUSS) and 46 immigration counters. It also incorporates modern IT systems including Flight Information Display Screens, Baggage Handling System (BHS), and Airport Operational Database (AODB) technology for the first time in India. RGIA is the first Indian airport to have the Airport Operations Control Centre which acts as the nerve centre for all coordination within the airport.
Located strategically at the geographical centre of India within a two hour flying time to all the major cities in India, Hyderabad is well positioned and within a four hour radius from all major cities in the Middle East and South East Asia. Thus, it has the potential to not only become one of the main air travel hubs in India, but also an important center for destination-cum-transit location for travel between the East and the West. Currently, there are 11 international and 9 domestic airlines operating from Hyderabad flying to over 35 destinations. Lufthansa Cargo also operates a weekly freighter service from Frankfurt via Mumbai. This flight returns to Frankfurt via Sharjah.
The modular integrated Cargo facility is spread over 14,330 sq.mts with a capacity to handle 100000 MT annually. Adjoining that, is an exclusive apron to accommodate Code-F aircraft. The airport provides two Animal Quarantine Stations. The first Quarantine Station is located at the International arrivals and the second, in the Cargo Satellite Building.
On the east of the airport is the 250 acre Aerospace SEZ, that will house, amongst others, the Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) facility, being developed by the GHIAL-MAS Joint Venture. CFM International, a 50-50 joint venture between Snecma (SAFRAN Group) of France and General Electric Company (GE) of the United States will also be setting up its aircraft engine Maintenance Training Centre.
GMR Hyderabad International Airport Limited (GHIAL) and Airports Council International, (ACI World) Geneva, have signed an agreement for the appointment of the GMR Aviation Academy as a Global Training Hub for the Asia Pacific region. The Academy has started offering varied courses.
RGIA has been rated the best in the world by Airports Council International (ACI) in the 5-15 million passengers category for its Airport Service Quality for 2009. It has also been adjudged as the 5th best airport across all categories, both in the world as well as the Asia Pacific Region.
RGIA was the first airport in the world to be awarded the Leadership Energy and Environment Design (LEED) silver rating for its eco-friendly design. It has also won the ‘Outstanding Concrete Structure of Andhra Pradesh’ award from the Indian Concrete Institute.
GMR Varalakshmi Foundation, the CSR wing of the GMR Group has won the ORBIS award, and the TERI Award for enhancing the quality of life in the communities living around the RGIA. It was also awarded the ‘Airport Environmental Performance of the Year 2009’ by the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation (CAPA).
The Rajiv Gandhi International Airport at Hyderabad is well set to establish the city prominently on the global aviation map, thereby contributing to the prosperity, growth and all round economic development of the region.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Telangana JAC asked people to stop paying taxes

Hyderabad: The Telangana political Joint Action Committee today asked people in the region to boycott Census, refrain from paying taxes and observe a shutdown among other protests as part of the non-cooperation agitation from February 17 in support of its demand for early introduction of bill for formation of separate Telangana.

సోనియా చిరంజీవిల ఏకాంత సమావేశం వివరాలు..........

సోనియా: పిలవగానే ఎగేసుకొచ్చినందుకు థాంక్స్.
చిరు: ఎప్పుడెప్పుడు పిలుస్తారా అని ఎదురుచూస్తున్నా..!
సోనియా: మాకంటే ఇపుడు అవసరం వచ్చింది, మీరెందుకు ఎదురుచూస్తున్నారు?.
చిరు: ఏమి చెప్పమంటారు.. పార్టీ స్టేట్ ఆఫీసుకే దిక్కులేక మేమేడుస్తుంటే, జిల్లా ఆఫీసులు, మండల ఆఫీసులు బిల్డింగులకు అద్దె బకాయిలు చెల్లించాలని ఒకటే గోల. అదీ గాక...
సోనియా: సరే సరే, మీదరిద్రం వినేంత టైం లేదు.. మాకేం కావాలో తెలుసు కదా, మీ డిమాండ్స్ ఏమన్నా ఉంటే చెప్పండి.
చిరు: ఏముంటాయండి.. కుదిరితే సిఎం పోస్టు, వీలైతే నాలుగు క్యాబినెట్ బెర్తులు... ఇంకా..
సోనియా: ఇక ఆపుతావా.. సిఎం పోస్టు అడిగినోడికల్లా ఇవ్వడానికి అదేమన్నా అరటిపండా.. అలా ఇచ్చేసేలా అయితే నిన్ను పిలవాల్సిన పనేముంది మాకు, జగన్ కే ఇచ్చేవాళ్ళంగా??
చిరు: అవుననుకోండి, కాకపోతే..
సోనియా: సరే సరే.. ఇంతకీ నమ్మి ఓట్లేసిన 70 లక్షల మందికి ఏంచెబుతావ్??
చిరు: అయ్యో.. అదేముందండి, మా తెలుగు రాష్ట్రంలో అదే ప్రత్యేకత. అభిమానం అనేది ఫిక్సిడ్ ఎస్సెట్. ఒక్కసారి పొందామంటే వెర్రిజనాలు మనకోసం చచ్చేదాకా ఎగబడుతూనే ఉంటారు.
సోనియా: మరి అపుడెపుడో ఈనాడులో జెండాపీకేద్దాం అన్న పతాకశీర్షిక వస్తే రెచ్చిపోయి తల్లి గొంతుని నులిపేసే కిరాతకుడిని కాను, ఎన్ని ఆటుపోట్లు వచ్చినా అభిమానుల అండదండలతో పార్టీని మరింత పటిష్టం చేస్తాం, జెండా ఎగరేస్తాం, జెండా నిలబెడతాం అని ఏవేవో చెప్పినట్టున్నావ్..??
చిరు: (తన స్టయిల్ లో సిగ్గుపడుతూ..) అప్పుడేదో ఆవేశంలో, మీరు చూసారా మేడం, బాగా చేసానా పెర్ఫార్మన్సు..?? అయినా మా తెలుగోళ్ళు తెల్లారితే అన్నీ మరిచిపోతారు మేడం. రేపొద్దున ఇంకొక బ్రేకింగ్ న్యూస్ వస్తే చాలు.
సోనియా: సరే సరే, బయటకు వెళ్లి అహ్మద్ పటేల్ ఇచ్చిన పేపర్లో ఏముందో అది చదివేసి ఇంటికెళ్ళు.. ఇకనుంచి ఏంచెయ్యాలో నేను చెబుతాను, ఎలా చెయ్యాలో కిరణ్ చెబుతాడు. సొంత తెలివితేటలు వాడకు.
చిరు: జీ. అవే ఉంటే ఇలా ఎందుకు తయారవుతాను. బాగా చిరాకుగా ఉన్నట్టున్నారు, మాంచి స్టెప్ ఒక్కటి వేసి ఎంటర్ టైన్ చెయ్యమంటారా..? డాన్సు బాగా చేస్తాను అని చెబుతుంటారు అంతా.
సోనియా: చెయ్యాల్సిన డాన్సులు మున్ముందు చాలానే ఉన్నాయి, ఇక మూసుకుని బయలుదేరు.
చిరు: జీ మేడం. (కాళ్ళకు ఒక దణ్ణం పెట్టి నిష్క్రమణ)

ఇవాల్టి నుంచి మన మెగాస్టార్ చిరంజీవి కొత్త సిఎం.
సిఎం అంటే, చీఫ్ మినిస్టర్ అనుకునేరు.. కాదండి 'కాంగ్రెస్ మాన్'. ఇంకా చెప్పాలంటే "చెమ్చా టు మేడం"

Monday, February 14, 2011

RGV about Chiranjeevi - Comments or Compliments ?


'Dongala Mutha' Making-Video Into Market

The one film which is currently gearing up to revolutionize the entire film making process is swiftly on. This is ‘Dongala Mutha’ and the latest update is that the shooting is completed. This is directed by Ramgopal Varma and it has a flurry of stars such as Ravi Teja, Charmy, Lakshmi Manchu, Sunil and others.

Now, the news is that the ‘film making’ will have a release on March 7th. Yes, it is indeed true that many would like to know how this feat was accomplished in just 4 and half days. The ‘making video’ hitting the market will certainly have demand. As such, the film is marked for a March 4th release in the theatres. The film is unique since it got completed in just about 4 and half days when it comes to shooting.
The film is being awaited with bated breath since the Tollywood folks feel that this will change the entire thought process in the industry. And with Ramu’s thoughts on revealing the film making video as well, there will be a lot to learn for the aspiring movie makers.